History of Drones

As per Scheve (2008) the very first experimentation with drone aircraft can be linked back to World War I which saw both the Entente and Central powers testing radio-controlled unmanned aircraft.

However, it wasn’t until the 1960s and 70s that drone aircraft became widely used. Zaloga (2008) states that the first large-scale use of unmanned aerial vehicles was during the Vietnam War “where they flew thousands of spy missions too hazardous for manned reconnaissance aircraft” (page 4).

Over the course of the 1970s the United States flew more than 34,000 surveillance flights using the AQM-34 Ryan Firebee, a drone launched from a host plane and operated by users within that plane.  At this point drone aircraft were principally used by military forces for the reconnaissance purposes.

Picture 2. AQM-34 Ryan Firebee

Darack (2011) explains that in the 1980s the Israeli Army began to modify existing UAVs and develop new designs.  This led to the creation of small, lighter unmanned aircraft like the RQ-2 Pioneer, which was used extensively in the 1991 Gulf War.

Picture 3. RQ-2 Pioneer

The RQ-1 Predator, probably the best-known UAV, made its test flight in 1994.  Darack states that “the Predator has continually evolved and its variants are now used to patrol the U.S.-Mexico border and to unleash Hellfire air-to-ground missiles on military targets” (para 9). 

Picture 4. RQ-1 Predator

Within the last few years commercial and recreational drones have gained in popularity and it seems that this trend is set to continue.